Symptoms are misleading..

We find the hidden cause.

We are a complimentary therapy clinic in the South of England.
Our aim is to empower you to take your health back into your hands

About us

If you want to learn more about us, then you’re in the right place.

Our Clinic

We are a complimentary clinic which has been helping patients for over 20 years. We treat all physical ailments ranging from but not limited to eczema, asthma, IBS, gut dysbiosis, fertility difficulties, allergies and chronic conditions. Using Integrated Kinesiology and functional Bio Chemistry we look to see what is causing these ailments, treating the root cause to alleviate the symptoms.  

“Ninety per cent of the diseases known to man are caused by malnutrition. You are what you absorb.”

– Joel D Wallach

Emsella Chair

We are delighted to welcome an Emsella chair into our practice. The chair delivers over 11,000 Kegels in each 28 minute session, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Helping after child birth, incontinence, erectile dysfunction and other conditions.


Kinesiology uses pain free muscle testing to check the systems and organs in the body. We use this method to check for intolerances, allergens and to find the root cause of the symptoms patients are experiencing.

“Symptoms are not a cause, yet are often misdiagnosed as such. They are a trail of breadcrumbs trying to alert us to an underlying issue or ailment. At the Gaia Clinic we listen to the symptoms and look beyond them to why they are present and treat the cause.”

– Christine & Sophie Peters

What can we help with?

We treat all physical ailments including skin conditions, unexplained sudden onset symptoms, gut disorders, chrons, colitis, M.E, fibromyalgia, food sensitivities, migraines, fatigue, headaches, auto immune conditions and many more.

For more information see our contact us page.

Meet the Team!

Christine Peters CThA SNHS (nutrition)

Christine established the clinic in the mid 1990’s and has since been dedicated to helping thousands of patients from across the world. Having trained in different types of Kinesiology, Bio Chemistry, Nutrition, Emotional Wellbeing, Auricular Therapy and other complimentary therapies.     

Sophie Peters CThA TFT-Alg.

In 2013 Sophie joined the Gaia Clinic having trained in various styles of Kinesiology as well as: Anatomy and Physiology, Bio Chemistry, TFT Algorithms, Emotional Wellbeing and other complimentary therapies. Sophie is passionate about empowering her patients to take control of their health and helping them to improve the quality of life and overall wellbeing.

Sandy Harman Practice Manager

Joining our team after many years running the office for a building firm, Sandy is now the Clinics practice manager managing the day to day operations of the Clinic. She is the friendly voice you will hear when you call our Clinic and she is always happy to answer any questions you may have.

Emsella Chair joins our practice

Non invasive, non surgical treatment for all types of urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, sexual disorders and weakened pelvic floor after child birth.

A course of treatment in the Emsella chair helps with all three types of incontinence, strengthening after child birth, orgasm disorder, erectile dysfunction and minor prolapses.


Here are answers to our most frequently asked questions. If your query is not listed, please get in touch via our contact us page.

Ready to get started?